Промышленность как основа национальной экономики


The article argues place and role of industry as an important subsystem of material production. Industrial sector with its wide network of horizontal and vertical cooperation links creates monolith economic field, pushes into economy turnover different territories, strengthens national relations. By the development of science-based and high-technology industrial branches Russia marks step-by-step leaving of raw material-based model of development, increases its demand of research and technological achievements, gets opportunity to have not only environmental but intellectual rent


UDK: 338.45
page. 35-45
Harchenko Ivan Semenovich, Harchenko Lana Ivanovna


The article argues place and role of industry as an important subsystem of material production. Industrial sector with its wide network of horizontal and vertical cooperation links creates monolith economic field, pushes into economy turnover different territories, strengthens national relations. By the development of science-based and high-technology industrial branches Russia marks step-by-step leaving of raw material-based model of development, increases its demand of research and technological achievements, gets opportunity to have not only environmental but intellectual rent
